Hey there! I’m Matt Shorty Wells

I’m a proud member of Beach Money Nation with my friend & mentor, Jordan Adler.

Have we met or at least spoken on the phone yet? If not, would you like to chat?

You can schedule a call with me by clicking here or just pick up your phone and call me now. 

My direct line is 210-990-8033. If I’m available, I’ll answer. If I’m not we may play a little phone tag.

Remember when phone calls were a thing?

Let’s keep the dream alive. Ring Ring… Hello?

Want to get a feel for who I am before you call?

I’m a pretty casual fella. I enjoy long walks on the… Oh. What?

Okay well here’s a couple videos where I’m talking about something we’re both interested in, Beach Money.

My Story

Told at a live event in Houston – some time back

My Linktree: Personal Brand


My Linktree: Affiliate Links


A few memories with my mentor

We’re only just getting started. Join us. You’re invited.

Schedule a call with me here or just pick up your phone and call me now 210-990-8033

Have you downloaded and read the first two chapters of Beach Money yet? If not, he’s offering it for free. Get it now.

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